
Medullary Thyroid Cancer

Initial Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules Suspicious of MTC

Management Recommendations

1. Confirmation of Diagnosis & Pre-Operative Assessment

A. Evaluate FNA Findings Concerning, but Not Diagnostic of, Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (MTC)


Evaluate by immunohistochemistry for MTC markers (Calcitonin, carcinoembryonic antigen [CEA], chromogranin) versus follicular cell markers (thyroglobulin), and if feasible have calcitonin levels determined in FNA washout fluid.​1​

  • Biochemical testing as detailed below (see section 2) 
  • Physical examination.​1​
  • RET germline mutational testing​1–4​ with genetic counseling as indicated.​2–4​
  • Ultrasound examination of the neck should be performed, if not done previously.​1,2,4​
  • Further imaging (contrast enhanced neck and chest CT, contrast enhanced liver CT or MRI) should be performed in patients with markedly elevated serum calcitonin (> 400 pg/ml​2​, ≥ 500 pg/ml​1,4​), suspected metastatic disease or extensive disease in the neck.​1,2,4​
  • FDG PET/CT is not recommended to evaluate distant metastatic disease​1​; Ga-68 DOTATATE PET/CT should be considered​2​, and F-DOPA PET/CT should be considered​4​; alternatively consider bone scan and/or skeletal MRI.​1,2,4​


  • The ATA guidelines recommend against DOPA PET/CT, but the newer ESMO guidelines recommend DOPA PET/CT based on current data. 
  • Consider assessing vocal cord mobility.​2​

2. Pre-operative Biochemical Testing

A. Calcitonin & CEA

Basal levels of both serum calcitonin and CEA should be measured in patients with proven or suspected MTC.​1–4​

In patients with advanced MTC, a marked elevation in the level of serum CEA, out of proportion to the serum calcitonin, or unexpectedly low levels of both serum calcitonin and CEA, may indicate poorly differentiated MTC.​1​

Things Clinicians Should Account for When Interpreting Serum Calcitonin Data


  • Falsely high or low serum calcitonin levels might occur with a variety of clinical diseases other than MTC. This should be considered when serum calcitonin levels are disproportionate to the extent of disease. 
  • There may be variability in calcitonin measurements between commercial assays.
  • Calcitonin levels are higher in males compared with females.
  • The ‘‘hook effect’’ (detection of falsely low calcitonin levels in the immunoassay resulting from very high calcitonin levels) is less likely to occur with immunochemiluminometric assay (ICMA) but should remain a concern in patients with a high tumor burden and surprisingly low serum calcitonin.
  • Calcitonin levels are markedly elevated in children under 3 years of age, especially under 6 months of age.

B. Pheochromocytoma & Hyperparathyroidism

In patients with hereditary MTC or unknown RET status, it is critical to exclude the presence of a pheochromocytoma prior to thyroidectomy by measuring free plasma or fractionated urinary metanephrines, or both.​1–3​

In patients with hereditary MTC or unknown RET status, the presence of hyperparathyroidism should be excluded prior to surgery.​1,2​

C. Genetic Testing

Genetic counseling and genetic testing to detect germline RET mutations are recommended for:​1–4​

  • All patients diagnosed with MTC even in the absence of any history to suggest hereditary MTC syndrome.
  • First degree relatives of patients with hereditary MTC.

Initial germline testing for possible MEN2A syndrome should be done in assays designed to detect the most common mutations which are found in exons 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, or 16 (See table below). Sequencing of the entire RET gene is usually reserved for patients with a clinical syndrome very suggestive of MEN2A with no RET mutation detected in the most common hotspots.​1–4​

Routine germline testing for possible MEN2B syndrome should include analysis for the RET codon m918T mutation (exon 16) and if negative, for the RET codon A883F mutation (exon 15).​1,2,4​

Analysis of medullary thyroid cancer tumors for somatic mutations (such as HRS, KRA, NRAS or RET M918T mutations) is not routinely recommended as part of initial management. However, somatic mutational testing can be valuable in the setting of aggressive disease when targeted systemic therapies are being considered.​1,2,4​

While not commonly used, techniques for prenatal and pre-implantation genetic testing have been developed and are available at specialized centers in some countries for families with hereditary MTC syndromes interested in minimizing the risk of producing offspring carrying a germline mutation.​1​

In hereditary medullary thyroid cancer, RET mutational analysis should be used to guide clinical management as the risk of having an aggressive MTC, pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism correlates with the specific mutation. The most common RET mutations with associated risks are presented in the table below.​1,3,4​

Tables & Figures

Table 12. Most Common RET Mutations with Associated Risks
RET Mutation
Highest Risk Level (HST)
RET Exon16
Risk of Aggressive MTCHighest
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma50%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism
Table 12. Most Common RET Mutations with Associated Risks

High Risk Level (H)
RET Exon11
Risk of Aggressive MTCHigh
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma50%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism20–30%
RET Exon15
Risk of Aggressive MTCHigh
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma50%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism
Moderate Risk Level (MOD)
RET Exon8
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism
RET Exon10
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10–30%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism10%
RET Exon10
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10–30%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism10%
RET Exon10
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10–30%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism10%
RET Exon10
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10–30%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism10%
RET Exon11
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10–30%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism10%
RET Exon11
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma50%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism
RET Exon11
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism
RET Exon13
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism
RET Exon13
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism
RET Exon14
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism10%
RET Exon15
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma10%
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism10%
RET Exon16
Risk of Aggressive MTCModerate
Incidence of Pheochromocytoma
Incidence of Hyperparathyroidism

Table adapted from Table 4, Wells et al, Revised ATA guidelines for the management of medullary thyroid carcinoma, Thyroid 2015. The publisher for this copyrighted material is Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers.

Patients with hereditary medullary thyroid cancer should be classified as having either multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A (MEN2A) or multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B (MEN 2B).​1​

Patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A (MEN2A) should be classified as having one of the four well described MEN2A variants:​1​

  1. Classical MEN2A.
  2. MEN2A with cutaneous lichen amyloidosis.
  3. MEN2A with Hirschprung’s disease.
  4. Familial medullary thyroid cancer.

Supplemental Educational Content

Predicting Outcomes in Sporadic and Hereditary MTC over Two Decades
Presenter: Anupam Kotwal, MD
  • Progress in staging of MTC.
  • Germline RET mutations (MEN2A) should be classified based on age and not risk.
  • Optimal imaging for high calcitonin: Dopa PET/CT + liver MRI + neck US.
  • Advanced disease: NGS and RET inhibitors when appropriate.


  • Significant morbidity and mortality in advanced cases of medullary thyroid cancer.
  • Strongest poor prognosis in MTC include older age and higher stage at the time of diagnosis.
  • There is prognostic value in tumor marking, however, progression has already occurred by the time that markers increase rapidly.
  • Therefore it is important to evaluate perioperative factors for prognostication.
  • Some studies do not stratify sporadic and hereditary MTC patients.

Study Aim: Identification of perioperative factors to predict outcomes (disease free survival, local regional recurrence or persistence and regional metastasis).

Methods: Retrospective Cohort Study

  • N = 163 followed for a median 5.5 years until the most recent visit or death.
  • Exclusion criteria: c-cell hyperplasia only, no research authorization, or no follow-up after surgery.
  • Preoperative assessment: Comprehensive neck US; Serum calcitonin (n = 152); Biopsy of suspicious neck LN.
  • Postoperative assessment: Neck US and CT neck every 6 – 12 months; Additional imaging if labs discordant with neck US.
  • Outcomes: Overall survival (OS); Disease specific survival (DSS); Locoregional recurrence/persistent disease (LR); Distant metastasis (DM).

MTC Cohort Characteristics

  • Balanced sex distribution.
  • 44% had palpable neck mass.
  • Mean age 48 years at time of surgery.
  • Hereditary MTC: N = 61 or 38% of cohort (higher than average, perhaps because study conducted at Mayo); Approximately ⅔ had MEN2A, most diagnosed by screening; Patients with hereditary MTC were more likely to have bilateral disease and multifocal disease as compared with sporadic; 95% underwent at least total thyroidectomy and central neck dissection; 44% with multifocal and/or bilateral MTC; 35% with N1b, 8% with M1.

Survival Rates

  • 5 year overall survival (OS) was 81.2%; 5 year disease specific survival (DSS) was 91.9%.
  • No difference by decade (1995 – 2005 versus 2006-2015) in OS and DSS.
  • However, did find better survival rates compared to the previous cohort (1964–70).
  • Possibly due to more extensive surgery in more recent years; availability of tumor markers; higher resolution imaging modalities.

Outcomes in Hereditary vs. Sporadic MTC

  • Sporadic n = 102; hereditary (clinical/radiographic) n = 15; hereditary (screening) n = 46.
  • Patients with sporadic disease were actually more likely to have distant metastasis but non-significant differences.
  • We think some of the favorable outcomes in hereditary outcomes could be due to the young age of diagnosis and treatment for hereditary MTC patients (diagnosed by family screening).
  • Hereditary MTC Cohort: More bilateral and multifocal disease but underwent surgery at a younger age (36-38 years) as compared with sporadic (56 years); 75% diagnosed by family screening; Stage 1 or 2 in 85% (versus 36% for sporadic).

Multivariable Analysis for Predictors of Outcomes

  • Gross ETE and the presence of distant metastasis at initial surgery were the strongest predictors of disease-specific survival.
  • Lateral neck LN involvement, gross ETE, high postoperative calcitonin were highest predictors of local regional recurrence or persistence and distant metastasis in the cohort.


  • Retrospective chart review.
  • Limited number of outcome events did not allow for evaluation of predictors within different MTC types or more robust multivariable analysis.
  • Potential selection bias due to collection of data from a referral center (more aggressive cancer) but still favorable outcomes.
  • Calcitonin & CEA doubling times were not the focus of this study (not analyzed).
  • Most cases of recurrence were actually persistence (this category was combined in the study).


  • M1 status and gross ETE of the tumor were the strongest predictors of worse DSS.
  • Lateral neck LN involvement, gross ETE, and high postoperative Calcitonin were the strongest predictors of both LR and DM.
  • Demographic factors were not predictive of DSS, LR, and DM when adjusted for other variables, except age >55 years predictive for worse OS.
  • Disease burden at the time of initial surgery as well as biochemical response to surgery appear to be more important than demographic factors for MTC prognosis.
  • This highlights the importance of rigorous perioperative assessment to better predict MTC outcomes.
Medullary Thyroid Cancer: What’s New?

TNM Staging vs. Calcitonin Doubling Time

  • Calcitonin and CEA doubling time are powerful prognostic indicators; superior to initial AJCC 6th edition.
  • In the AJCC 8th edition, MTC has its own staging, but the stages are only moderately predictive for 10 year outcomes.
  • This new data contributes meaningful conclusions: N1b is not significant after accounting for M1; Worse OS associated with gross ETE, age > 55 years, male sex, high Calcitonin; Worse DSS associated with gross ETE and M1.

New Data about Germline RET Mutations

  • The different mutations are classified as moderate and high risk.
  • But a study from MD Anderson in 2017 demonstrated that ATA moderate or high-risk RET mutations did not predict disease aggressiveness among MTC in MEN2A.
  • Patients with high and moderate risk RET mutation have similar overall survival, so the guidelines need to be changed.
  • Future guidelines should consider RET mutation classification by disease onset (early vs. late) rather than risk of aggressiveness (high vs. moderate).

Best Imaging Modality

  • The guidelines from 2015, if the patient has high calcitonin, you have to do US and CT of the head and neck, enhanced MRI of the liver, axial MRI, and bone scan.
  • The next guidelines do not recommend FDG or F dopa PET CT; these are no longer our guiding conclusions.
  • Gustave-Roussy found that the combination of Dopa PET/CT with liver MRI and neck US detected all lesions in their study.

New Era of RET Inhibitors

  • The FDA approved two drugs in 2020 (selpercatinib and pralsetinib).
  • Multikinase inhibitors had been approved (vandetanib or cabozantinib) but the new drugs are more specific.
  • RET inhibitors: Require next-generation sequencing; They are effective; They may be used with or without previous vendetanib/cabozantinib; They penetrate the blood brain barrier so are effective for brain metastasis; Most adverse events are only grade 1 or 2.
  • Now among patients with advanced MTC, we start with local therapy, if that’s not enough, we will get next generation sequencing (NGS), then start RET inhibitor if RET positive (multikinase otherwise).

Upcoming Webinars

Rajam Raghunathan, MD

Guest Presenter

Journal Club

Molecular Testing for Indeterminate Thyroid Nodules Past, Present & Future

Apr. 26, 2024

Mark L. Urken, MD


Panel Discussion

History of Thyroid Surgery in the Last Century

May 3, 2024

Aime Franco, MD

Guest Presenter

Journal Club

Survivorship, Quality of Life, and Transition to Adult Care for Pediatric and Adolescent Thyroid Cancer Survivors

May 10, 2024

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